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Art & Design

We passionately believe art and design is a vital part of the Primary curriculum as it provides a means of expression for all children, regardless of their competence in verbal and written communication. As an Artsmark school, we value the power of art and design in enhancing children’s experiences and depth of understanding in other areas of their learning, from creating their own artwork and artefacts to the experience of museum and gallery trips. Through our Art and Design curriculum, children at Langwith Bassett Junior Academy will access a high-quality art and design programme of study that is engaging, inspiring and challenging and enables them to explore and develop ideas, investigate and make their own masterpieces, evaluate their work, have a good knowledge and understanding of the processes involved and to skilfully implement artistic techniques.  We believe that the teaching of art should offer children a wide range of activities and experiences that supports them to develop their imagination, creativity and resilience and encourages them to have a voice and explore various methods of self-expression. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Children seek to find answers through artist study and experimentation with media and materials. In doing so, we hope to develop an intrinsic love for art as a form of communication and discovery. We aim to give all children an opportunity to develop their cultural capital through our explorations of numerous artists from past and present.