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Striving for




Class 2 Squirrels

Welcome to our Class 2 page.

Class 2 is a mixture of Year 1 and Year 2 children. Our teacher is Miss Freestone and our teaching assistants are Mrs Carrington and Mrs Hunt.

We enjoy using practical resources to support us in all of our learning. We try to link our learning from different subjects together as much as possible to create a key topic for each half-term. 

As part of our morning lessons the children will take part in phonics, maths and English. 

PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday morning and a Thursday afternoon, so please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days. 

On Wednesday the children will take part in a music lesson with Debbie. 

In the afternoons children will take part in a range of lessons including history, geography, RE, RSHE, music, DT and art. 

On Friday the children will have chance to visit our school library to change their levelled book and book to share. 

On Friday the children will have a weekly spelling test based on the sounds that they have learnt in phonics in that week, at this time they will also be given spellings for next week. 

The children will need to bring their reading books and planners everyday as children will get an opportunity to read to a Teacher.

In English we are reading and exploring the book 'Fantastic Mr Fox'


Spring 2


An important visit from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue. 


The children loved finding out about the properties of the different materials. 



The children loved playing with the toys from the past that Mrs Hunt brought in. 


During their music lessons with Debbie the children have been practicing making and performing their own rhythms.

Spring 1

During Spring 1 the children enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale. They learnt about the important work that she did and the difference she made to hospitals. In our English lessons the children created a diary entry pretending to be Florence. I was so impressed with all the facts that the children remembered!

In our science lessons we learnt all about the human body and our senses. The children enjoyed completing lots of practical activities during this unit of work.