Class 4 Wise Owls
Welcome to Class 4 - the Wise Owls
Mrs Coles is our teacher and Mrs Lyons is our TA.
During our morning lessons the children take part in maths, reading skills and English.
In the afternoons children take part in a range of lessons covering the wider curriculum including science, history, geography, RE, RSHE, music, DT and art.
During Autumn and Spring 1 terms the children have weekly swimming lessons at The Arc in Clowne on Thursday afternoons. PE lessons take place on a Monday afternoon, so please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days.
On Fridays the children have a weekly spelling test based on the words that they have been given to practise at home.
Maths homework is given out on Fridays. Any children who have struggled will be offered support at lunchtimes.
Children need to bring their reading books and planners every day as children will get an opportunity to read to an adult at some point during the week.
Our book this term is 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Rauf.
Click the links below to watch each chapter...