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Striving for






At Langwith Bassett Junior Academy we all work incredibly hard to make sure our school is a welcoming place for the whole school community, where children’s wellbeing and safety is prioritised, always.

Our designated safeguarding lead is Sarah Bacon/Leica Carter. In her absence Cheryl Dunphy & Stephanie Coles are the deputy designated safeguarding lead. Please feel free to bring any concerns relating to the safety and well-being of any of our children to either of these members of staff.

Langwith Bassett Junior Academy has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues. To provide a safe environment for young people, our selection and recruitment processes include all statutory checks on staff, governors and regular volunteers including enhanced DBS, (disclosure and barring service), checks.

All staff are trained at a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities:

  • All staff and governors receive annual safeguarding training to remind them of their responsibilities and ensure safeguarding protocols are followed.

  • Designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads attend more specific training.

  • All staff are trained in basic first aid and a further two members of staff are trained specifically in paediatric first aid.

  • Mrs Bacon and a nominated governor are trained in the safer recruitment of staff

  • Staff attend regular training on how to keep our children safe online and our trained pupil e-safety ambassadors promote this in school.

  • A governor and teaching assistant attend anti bullying ambassador training and our pupil team of trained ambassadors promote this in school.


Please click here to access support for families and early help - Derbyshire County Council.

To view our safeguarding policy click below.



If you have immediate concerns about the safety or welfare of a child then please contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190