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Striving for




Sports Premium

Sport and our whole school ethos

At Langwith Bassett Primary School sport pervades every area of school life. We all recognise the importance of sport, exercise and healthy living in developing resilience, determination and leading a successful life.

Life in our school and all the documentation below reflects this.

Sports Premium Funding

At Langwith Bassett we are investing £1,300 of our funding in affiliating to the Bolsover District Council School Sport Partnership (BDSSP). BDSSP is passionate about improving the lives of young people, by providing opportunities through Physical Education and Sport. BDSSP will provide a core package to support the school in;

Physical Education

  • Continuous professional development for staff.
  • Inclusion training and support as part of a CPD calendar.
  • Curriculum support for teachers and leaders.
  • PE and School Sport Audit.


  • Level 1 School Games (intra-school) support.
  • Provides a pathway for 12 sports at KS2 to link to level 3 School Games event.
  • Membership of the Derbyshire School Sports Association.
  • Entry to the Champion School programme.

Leadership & Volunteering

  • Mini Leader programme - training /mentoring.

Club & Community Links

  • Signposting to local clubs through competition programme.
  • Sport specific support.

Talent Identification & Development

  • Rising Stars talent programme.
  • Pupil and Parent workshops.

Physical Activity

  • A coordinated approach to developing the playground to enable as many pupils as possible to be as active as possible.
  • Bikeability programme (Y5&6).
  • Balanceability programme (KS1).
  • Change 4 Life / Physical Activity Hub programme.
  • Golden Mile Physical Activity training and support.

Other Features

  • Support for schools to achieve School Games Kitemark for PE and Sport.
  • Sharing of good practice through regular PLT/Headteacher meetings at cluster and SSP level (min 3 per year).
  • School Partnership Conference (KS1 event).
  • Youth Sport Trust introductory membership.
  • Governor briefings.

Sports Premium Plan

For further details of our sports premium funding please click the attachments below: